Sunday, October 11, 2009

Eduardo Melendez -- Feedback on Penn Info Nite


I apologize for the delayed response but these past few days have been crazy with the SATs Penn presentation and the visit to Santa Clara between other stuff...

But I would definitely like to comment on Penn's presentation, I would say that the presentation gave me that motivation not just to apply, but to include Penn as one of my favorite colleges. This informational session restated the known facts about the college -- but what really caught my attention was the video showing the student's college experiences. The school spirit at Penn is indescribable. I can really see myself as one of those students in the future.

Joel Hart explained a variety of great tips about the application process that might improve your chances to be accepted and to make sure your entire application is at its best. For those who desire to be interviewed by Penn, it is recommended to apply as early as possible to ensure a spot for the interview.

There was such great and valuable information given all throughout the presentation that basically included all of the applicants' concerns such as financial aid, acceptance rate, and supplemental essays. It was definitely a great opportunity to get a closer look at Penn right before the college application process. Jocy and I are extremely glad we attended the session.

I would like to thank the Ivy League Connection for giving me and many other students the opportunity to reach out to different new colleges that might be the perfect fit for us. Thank you all.


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