Monday, December 26, 2011

Stacy Chan

It is certainly rewarding to be part of a team that has taken giant leaps since its inauguration. The program is continuously thriving and I can see a bright future for our local youth who now have the academic edge with the launch of ILC.

I am now a second-year at Cal. Thus far, I find it incredibly fulfilling to meet people who bring different expertise to the table. To say that I am constantly amazed by the skill sets people possess is quite an understatement. Everyone's journey is individual. Needless to say, many students who attend Cal are undoubtedly talented and accomplished. With headlining news of the Occupy Cal movements and the "Diversity Bake Sale," I am amazed by the amount of activism in the air. This goes to show that while education is of great importance, it is equally imperative to transfer that passion and energy to a club, an organization, or in this case, a movement that has garnered national and global media attention. While its success is debatable, there is no denying that there are many students and professors alike who are strong-willed and passionate enough to make some kind of demonstration.

Similarly to many second-year students, I am now delving into courses that are more honed towards my major. The classes are more inclusive than general, lecture hall courses per se. Still, I find the value of tapping into other classes that are outside of my study. Fulfilling my last breadth, I took a global poverty class last semester with a distinguished professor, and one of the guest speakers was Robert Reich. Seeing Reich double as a key member of the recent Occupy Cal movements gives him legitimacy and credibility. I'd say this is one of the examples that provides diversity in my learning experience.

To keep this email succinct, my advice to college newcomers is to have the willingness to learn and meet other people and take classes that are outside of your study. Time at college is what you make of it. As trite as this idea is, it holds a great deal of truth.

Happy Holidays!

Best regards,

Stacy Chan | University of California, Berkeley, 2014 | B.A. English

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